
Showing posts from November, 2015


“ Hi, sudah waktunya memakai Flash Video untuk mempromosikan produk Anda…!! Dapatkan Flash Video Promotion Discount 20% “ Buruan …..!!!” What is Flash Video Promotion ? It is wonderful day to let you know about Luh Wahyuni service on providing flash video promotion. Flash video as digital media for promote your homemade product, rooms and hotel facilities,etc. This video can be installed on your TV promotion, computer as media presentation Hurry up...!! Get Flash Video Promotion Discount 20% Product price at  IDR 200,000 ,-   IDR 150,000,-  Term and conditions :  1. Provide product Images / JPEG ( Maximum 5 Images ) and send to Luh Wahyuni Email address 2. Please submit your email address and contact no. 3. Please settle the payment and send the payment receipt when you request this service 4. Please send Mp3 music as your Flash video promotion background Let get more customers by this digital video promotion.....!!! ...