Tempuyung leafs ( Sonchus arvensis ) ' Don Sembung ‘ is herbal type that is very easy to grow in the moist area and protected from the sun.

Along the path of my village in Klungkung, Bali overgrown by tempuyung leafs ' Don sembung ' .And even the traditional walls of villager’s homes are also covered by tempuyung leaves ‘ Don sembung’.

At the time I was still studying in kindergarten ( On my childhood stories ). I was interested to my grandfather hobby, who likes to eat fresh vegetables 'Don sembung' so much. The bitter taste was not an obstacle for my grandfather when swallowing 'Don sembung'. Grandfather eat 'Don sembung' to treat ' heartburn' and swollen due to canker sores or ulcers. Usually 'Don sembung' is used to improve blood circulation in patients with high blood pressure.

In rural life of Klungkung village, I drank ' loloh sembung / Tempuyung herbal drink to treat heartburn or thrush. ' Loloh / Herbs' drinking made from fresh 'Don sembung' boiled and mixed with a pinch of crystal sea salt. But I also often imitate the courage of my grandfather, eat fresh vegetables of 'Don sembung' as my mouth freshener.

From the results of biological research, 'Don Sembung' ( Sonchus arvensis )  containing substances that are useful in order to remove kidney stones.

Thank you,


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